Application To Participate In Evil Scheme*

(*actual scheme not really Evil.)

Dear Alignable Friend,

I will not try to sell you on applying for this.

Instead, I will simply tell you what it’s about, who it is for …and who it’s NOT for.

Here’s What This Is About

Back in late August, I tested a system of marketing and selling that worked way better than anything I’ve ever tried.

In fact, it brought in just over $216,000.00 on the front end …from ONE  sales message …sent to a list of only 1,000 people.

I’ve since been tweaking it and it has been working extremely well… So well that I will never go back to the “Old Way” of doing things in my business.

(This explains why I haven’t done a launch or really come out with anything new in almost a year. It’s because I no longer have to – this new model has replaced everything.)

Anyway, the model will either work for you or it won’t ...and the only way we can find out is for you to learn about it first hand.

I’m Willing To Walk You Through It – FOR FREE – As Long As You Realize It’s NOT For Everybody.

Look – I know you get pitched all kinds of “one size fits all” marketing schemes on a near hourly basis these days.

This isn’t one of them. This is very specialized stuff and it doesn’t work in every business.

This project IS for:

✔️ People who sell mid-to-high ticket products or services, information products, or are coaches, authors, or speakers.
✔️ People who value helping others and contributing to their marketplace just as much (or more) as they value making money.
✔️ People who know their business can grow, and who are willing to work to make that happen.
✔️ People who are willing to actually talk to other human beings (as opposed to only sending email or something.)

This project is NOT for:

❌ People who sell “get rich quick” or “Biz Opp” materials.
❌ People who do CPA marketing …or only want to be affiliates.
❌ People who have no business, aren’t actually selling anything, or are perpetually in “information gathering mode”. (If you haven’t gotten started yet, that’s OK just as long as you’re ready to actually start doing something.)
❌ People who do NOT currently sell (or either don’t want to sell) mid-to-high ticket items, information products, advice, or coaching. (In other words, if you sell light-bulbs or something, this isn’t a good fit.)

And now for more brutal honesty:

After we explain everything to you …and suggest ways to apply this methodology to your business, we might (God forbid) …pitch you something.

And if you decide to buy something, it’ll be expensive.

Finding out about it is free – but if you want advanced training, it’s costly.

Here’s How It Works

Like I said, it’s free to learn about what I’m up to and how it can be applied to your business.

If you think it’s a fit after you learn about it, I’ll invite you to take my advanced training – or you’re free to do everything on your own and never take my training.  

Either way is fine with me.

So if you’re curious, here’s what to do:

First, at the bottom of this page you’ll see an application where I ask you all sorts of invasive questions about your business.

OK – they’re not that invasive.

I’m just really wanting to make sure I think we’re a fit before I take up both of our time explaining everything.

Anyway, the application will come to my office and one of two things will happen.

Possibility #1: I’ll decide my stuff is NOT a good match for you and I’ll let you know politely.

Possibility #2: I’ll decide we MIGHT be a good match and someone from my office will schedule a call to see if we really are.

If that happens, you’ll get a VERY valuable overview and Discovery Session where you see exactly how the system works.

Plus, you’ll get some suggestions on how you can apply it immediately to your business.

That’s all free.

If you you like what you hear, you’ll be invited to take some advanced training.

Nobody over here will pressure you or hassle you or anything lame like that.

You’ll simply get a polite invitation.

If you want in on that training, great. If not, no problem. 

We’re cool either way.

I’m only looking for around 15 people for my next test campaign and my subscriber base is around 32,000 strong.

I’ll review applications on a first come, first-served basis.

OK here’s the first step, book some time today so you can have a brief chat with me and see if this is the right fit for you:
