Paul Filip and

Hey Paul, like I said their are different approaches that I use in cold email to get attention with prospects. So when you look at Email 1, the ‘Personal Line’ is the complement that’s personal to that business or person.

I will also added an image  below to show an example of the 8-email series that landed the client after the very first email… in a few hours.

Email 1

Hi (First Name),

Personal Line

My name is Sarah and I run the 6IX Group — we work with Commercial Solar companies helping them bring in Sales Appointments with large businesses with high electricity usage every single day — leaving cold calling in 2019. The best part is we do this with zero advertising spend.

For instance, we recently booked one of our Clients, based in Illinois, with the Country Regional Planning Commission to discuss their all of their Retirement Villages (They had 16 across the two States they operate in with over 100 buildings) and Solar installation. A pretty large contract.

I’d love to do the same for you!

Mind if I send over a few times for a quick call?



P.S. Our targeting is extremely precise, we book you in with the C-Level Executives at large corporations each week. No Advertising-Spend involved at all.

Email 2

Hey (First Name),

I am sure you are busy, I just wanted to make sure my email from the other day didn’t get buried!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

– Sarah

Email 3

Hi (First Name),

One of our Clients sent us an update on a big prospect. They just closed on installing Solar on a large Wholesale Bakery.

We sourced the Head of Operations at the management company and scheduled the meeting. It was perfect timing as they had the time pressure of expiring incentives so for a huge contract, it was a rapid close.

Seriously, we can do the exact same for you.

This is calculated, there is no ad-spend involved and we can guarantee you meetings.

Let me know when you are free for 15!

Have a great day!

– Sarah

Email 4

Hi (First Name),

Seriously, our systems work very, very well. I want to prove it to you — and I am persistent

because I know this will change the game for you.

We have a significant amount of experience and performance results from strategies that you can directly apply to dominate the market. Very few companies in the Commercial Solar market have a solid strategy to target and bring in new business – but some do…

Hear me out, if we don’t book a solid number of quality meetings for you in the first month, we will keep working until we do. You know you will receive at least 10 quality meetings from us no matter what. So as long as your Sales Team can close 1 out of 10 quality meetings, your return will skyrocket.

Sound reasonable?

– Sarah

I had made a Loom video, however the baby was fussing mid way through the video, so I managed to get a screenshot of this email I sent.

It’s the first of an 8-email series that is my go to sequence, and as you can see, I actually landed the client on the first email.

Basically I had sent the email out at 8:45PM  on a Sunday and got a response at 1:58 AM the Monday… basically a hair over 5 hours later I got a respond… and in less than 24 hours later, I landed them as a client.