How Would You Like Me to Personally Create a Flow of Automated Leads, Clients and Sales Straight Into Your Business… Absolutely for Free?

From the Desk of: Leku Percival
Atlanta, GA

Dear Friend,

Let’s talk about RESULTS for a second:

👉 My client K, just sold out a $12,000 workshop for the first time ever… with zero prior online marketing experience of any kind…

👉 My long-time student D, just scaled his business from low five-figures to $120,000 per month…

👉 My client C, just doubled his price all the way up to $4,000/month, added 3 new clients to his roster, and even bought a new boat he always wanted…

The list goes on and on. 

The only question you need to ask yourself is, “Do I want to hit my income goals in 2021?”

If the answer is YES, I would love to help you get these kinds of results, and I’d like to help you do it for FREE.

Here’s how it works…

Right Now, You’re Probably Stuck on
One of These 3 Things…

(1) You want to get more leads and customers flowing into your business. The RIGHT people, who are thrilled to work with you, who understand your value, and who see you as the “Rolls Royce” of your industry…


(2) You want your products and services to command a premium price point. You want to make sales for $2,000, $5,000, $10,000 or MORE … and you want to happen consistently, like clockwork so it’s 100% dependable and predictable… 


(3) You’re working too hard and you want to streamline your business so it runs like a well-oiled machine…you can unplug, relax, and have a sales process that does the work FOR you so that you can spend more time with your loved ones WHILE you get excellent results for your clients and customers. 

Which of those sounds more like you? 

The good news is that whichever it is, I can craft a plan to help you make it a reality… 

…and I’ll do it for you for FREE

Consider this:

These are the kinds of results I get for my clients every single day. If I can do it for them, I can do it for you. 

Here’s How To Get My Help For FREE…

I’ve set aside some time to speak to you over the next few days. 

On that call, I will lay out a plan to help you do ANY or ALL of the 3 things I mentioned above. 

This plan is going to enable you to hit your income goals this year…and blow right past them… 

…while working LESS than you are right now. 

It’s a bold promise… 

But after generating MILLIONS of dollars in sales online for my clients, I feel very comfortable making it. 

The plan we craft together will be SIMPLE, CLEAR, and VERY EASY to follow. 

After all, I’m the most sought after automated sales and lead generation expert in Atlanta for a reason. 

My stuff works, and I know that if we work together, you’ll make money. 

This invitation is going out to 7,523 people right now, so as you can imagine, it’s going to create a huge response.

That’s why I need you to read this next part carefully:

This is NOT For Everybody.
Here’s Who I Can Help:

I’m VERY picky about who I’ll speak with, and I have a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed: 

1. You need to be able to provide REAL value for your clients and customers, so that your offer could potentially support a premium price. 

This offer is for people who have genuine knowledge or expertise that helps people solve problems. If you can do that, and you want more clients and sales at higher prices, while working less … let’s talk. 

But, if you’re selling a multi-level marketing seaweed wrap for $10 and trying to recruit people into your “downline”, no offense, but this is NOT for you. 

2. You MUST be an action-taker who follows directions. (Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do anything weird.) 

If you like to “kick tires” or sign-up for programs and not follow through, this is not for you. Maintaining a 100% client success rate is VERY important to me. Please be someone who doesn’t mess around, and is serious about RESULTS. 

That’s it – if you meet BOTH of those requirements, we’re good.

Here’s What I Want You to Do Next:

If you meet the criteria above, and you’d like to talk about getting some incredible results in your business, then I’ll happily set aside some time for you.

Here’s what to do next: 

Head over to and fill out the short application. It’s very fast and unobtrusive. 

I just need to know what you’re selling, who your target market is, and what you want to accomplish. 

Then, you’ll be directed to the booking page where you can grab whatever time is available and works for you. 

That’s it! 

The initial call will go 45-60 minutes, and it will be the BEST time you have EVER spent working on your business.


This invitation is going out to 7,523 people today, and there is only ONE of me! 

It’s physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people, and it is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. 

If you feel like this is the right opportunity for you, click here, leave your application, and let’s talk! 

Talk soon,
Leku Percival
Minister of Commerce / Copywriter / Below Average Runner